Finding your way around

Learn your way around the Department with our interactive map, and your way around student life!

This is an interactive map showing the floor plan and rooms available in the Chemistry Building of the Department of Chemistry. Click the buttons to move between floors, and click on rooms to learn more about them as well as what happens in them! Various teaching activities are discussed, such as academic tutorials, workshops, teaching labs, etc.

Look out for the camera icons – these link to videos where teaching activities and tips are discussed in more detail amongst students and some staff.

The map is also viewable as ‘full screen’ by clicking the ‘expand arrows’ in the bottom right corner.

Each of the videos below are linked to in the interactive map above, but also listed here for convenience.


What is a tutorial and how do you get the most out of it? In this video we are joined by Euan Doidge (Senior Teaching fellow) and Laura Patel (Principal Teaching Fellow), we will ask them how they carry out tutorials, what is the difference between a workshop and a tutorial and share our thoughts on tutorials.


We talk to fellow students Anand and Michelle and discuss what you can expect in a workshop and how they differ from school classes, as well as the funniest moments that have happened to them during workshops!

Chemistry Cafe

We are joined by a couple of second-year students, Michelle and Allanah. We chat about the biggest surprises and challenges of starting university, societies and life within the department.

Teaching Lab: Perkin

In this video we introduce you to the Perkin lab, which you will use for your synthesis experiments. We talk about the difference in lab work from school to university, share our lab experiences and more!

Teaching Lab: Briscoe

Welcome to the Briscoe lab! Here we discuss some of our experiences (and mistakes!)  in labs and talk to the Year One Measurement Science coordinator, Nick Brooks, about what to expect in Measurement Science labs.

PC Suite

Here we talk about the computer related projects you may do in your first year at Imperial and how we found learning to do some programming.

Quiet Study

If you need a quiet place to work, this is where you go! Here we will speak about lectures, how we prefer to study and resources we use. We share some of the challenges we have faced when starting university and how we overcame them.