
Welcome to the Chemunity!

Breaking barriers and forming bonds in the Chemistry Community of the Department of Chemistry of Imperial College London

This website and its content has been created as a collaborative student-staff partnership, funded by the Student Shapers programme at Imperial College. Much of the content created has been made by a student team and reflects their own views, based on their own experiences.

Things to help you when starting university…

To help you get settled in more quickly, students in upper years have created resources to help ‘demystify’ the initial university experience. Whilst there are plenty of resources made about the transition to university learning in ‘general’, these resources have been created to be specific to our chemistry department. Students have drawn from their first-hand experiences and reflected on when they first started university, and have created resources based on what they wished they had known in those early days.


Do you have an idea for a resource or blog post that could help other students? Maybe it’s tips for time management, advice on assessments, or a different perspective that might help others? We’d love to hear from you!

Contact Dr Euan Doidge or Dr Charlotte Sutherell with your ideas!

Tips and tools for everyone…

Lots of information is available on ChemCentral (on Blackboard) for current students, as well as on the main Imperial College webpages.

These are a few additional resources to help students within the Department of Chemistry!


Do you have an idea for a resource or blog post that could help other students? Maybe it’s tips for time management, advice on assessments, or a different perspective that might help others? We’d love to hear from you!

Contact Dr Euan Doidge or Dr Charlotte Sutherell with your ideas!

Departmental Resources

A collection of links to information and tools provided by the Department of Chemistry.